Advocacy stories

How our advocates have been able to help
Below are some case examples of things our advocates have been able to assist with.

Residential care advocacy

A close up of an older man looking off camera

Albert’s Story

Albert, who lives in an aged care home recently had a fall whilst walking through the homes garden. Following his fall, the staff told Albert that he was a falls risk and would now require assistance with showering. Albert contacted ADA Australia k because he felt that this was a breach of his privacy.

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A woman grins into the camera

Masae’s Story

Masae entered an aged care home after having an accident in her home which meant she was unable to care for herself anymore.
Masae is Japanese and was used to cooking traditional cuisine for herself. Since entering the home she was unable to adjust to the food options available to her. She took such a dislike to the food provided,

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An older woman smiles into the camera

Glenys’s Story

Glenys is a lesbian woman who had trouble finding alternative accommodation due to heterosexist harassment from other residents in her aged care home. Glenys had only spoken to four other residents about her sexual identity during the five years she had lived at the facility. After an argument regarding dining room arrangements,

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Home care advocacy

An older man looks into the camera

Tony’s Story

Tony is the carer and Enduring Power of Attorney for his wife Rosa who has dementia. Rosa receives a number of in-home supports including assistance with showering. Tony contacted ADA Australiabecause Rosa’s home care service was sending a different support worker to shower Rosa each day and Tony noticed that Rosa

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A woman grins into the camera

Carmen’s Story

Carmen receives a cleaning service through the Commonwealth Home Support Program once a fortnight. Carmen contacted ADA Australia because her support worker had been cutting her regular service short by up to 20 minutes a shift and was not completing all the required cleaning tasks. Carmen was particularly concerned

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An older woman looks into the camera

Glenys’s Story

Elizabeth lives alone in a high set house and has no family nearby. She has two friends who live in the same suburb. Elizabeth recently had a heart attack and as a consequence was fitted with a pacemaker. When in the hospital Elizabeth spoke to hospital staff regarding her concerns of how she would cope when she returned

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Disability advocacy

A close up of a woman looking into the camera

Anne’s story

Anne visits her local services club every weekend for a meal and a catch up with her friend Amy. Both Anne and Amy enjoy getting out on the dancefloor in their power wheelchairs for a dance. Anne contacted a Disability Advocate after she was advised by club management that she was no longer allowed on the dancefloor in her power

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A man in a wheelchair looks off camera with a smile

Daniel’s story

Daniel had a stroke at age 37. The stroke affected Daniel’s communication. Daniel mostly understands others but can find it difficult to communicate back and express his views and wishes. Daniel notes he often struggles to find the words he wants to say even though they are right on the tip of his tongue.

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A woman sits at the table playing a board game and looks into the camera

Glenys’s story

Rachael lives in supported accommodation with two other women. A range of support workers come into the house throughout the week to provide assistance with tasks such as cooking, cleaning and shopping.
Rachael contacted a Disability Advocate after one of the support workers yelled at her for getting in the way and pushed her,

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Elder rights and abuse advocacy

A close up of an older man looking just off camera

Ruben’s story

Ruben is a gentle natured Dutch speaking gentleman, who was living in an aged care home and was very unhappy. Ruben’s grandson Neils contacted the Older Persons Advocacy Network as he was concerned about his grandfather, claiming he had been moved into the aged care home unnecessarily and Ruben was now
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