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Aged care advocacy support

Giving you a voice

About aged care advocacy

ADA Australia’s aged care advocacy service provides information and individual advocacy support to people who have issues related to Australian Government funded aged care services in Queensland. Advocacy supports a person to speak up for their rights and needs.

How we can help

We help people to uphold their rights and be heard in the issues related to aged care services. We can help people to:
  • Access appropriate care, support and service options
  • Understand their rights in residential care, or when receiving home care
  • Raise and address care related concerns
  • Communicate their preferences
  • Raise and address concerns about service agreements, fees, statements and budgets
  • Support to review and negotiate care plans
  • Make referrals for assessments and additional services.

We may also be able to assist exploring available care options by:
  • Making and following up on referrals
  • Supporting clients at assessments
  • Identifying local aged care providers and aged care facilities
  • Explaining financial assessments and fees.

Who is eligible​

People living anywhere in Queensland who have issues with accessing aged care services, or are experiencing service provision and care related problems for the following Australian Government funded aged care programs:
  • Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)
  • Home Care Packages (HCP)
  • Residential Aged Care Homes
  • Disability Support for Older Australians (DSOA) Program
  • Commonwealth funded dementia services
  • Flexible care services, including:
    • the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program
    • the Innovation Pool Program
    • Multi-purpose services
    • Transition care
    • Short-term restorative care

How we work


Free from conflict of interest, not affiliated with direct care providers


We seek your permission before acting and follow strict confidentiality processes


We take privacy seriously and can only communicate with our clients directly and the people they authorise us to talk to.

Client Directed

We don’t make decisions for you. We can help you understand your options and follow your direction.


Our services are free of charge. We are funded by the Australian Government to deliver aged care advocacy support.


We work with each individual, to help give them a voice

Short Term & Issue Specifc

We work with you to solve a specific problem.

Where we work

Anywhere in Queensland. It’s a statewide service

What we cannot help with

We are unable to assist with:
  • Advocacy support or assistance outside of Queensland
  • Centrelink issues – please refer to Centrelink Complaints Process – 1800 132 468
  • Housing or rental issues – please refer to QSTARS 1300 744 263
  • Retirement Village issues – please refer to Queensland Retirement Village and Park Advice Service (Caxton Legal Centre) on (07) 3214 6333
  • Providing recommendations on service providers or aged care facilities – please search for an Aged Care Broker Service
  • Financial or legal advice

Frequently asked questions

Advocacy is the process of supporting an individual to speak up for their rights and needs.
An ADA Australia advocate is someone who is by your side, working with you, to give you a voice and help you to resolve issues.

  • You currently receive an Australian Government funded aged care service
  • You are seeking an Australian Government funded aged care service
  • You are the carer or representative of the
    person above and have permission from the person you are supporting.
We can provide you with free and independent information about available care and support options.
This may include:
  • Supporting you to access aged care services by engaging with My Aged Care, attending aged care assessments and meetings with
    service providers
  • Supporting you to get the most from your aged care services
  • Information about fees and charges
  • Supporting you to have a say in your care and the things that impact you.
If you are currently receiving care services in your home or your aged care home, we can assist you with:
  • Understanding your rights and responsibilities
  • Raising and addressing care related concerns with service providers
  • Communicating your preferences
  • Providing information about service agreements,
    fees, statements and budgets
  • Issues related to your care plan
  • Researching care and equipment options
  • Referrals for assessments and additional services.
ADA Australia provides independent information and advocacy support. As such we are unable to:
  • Recommend which provider or services you should choose
  • Provide financial advice or legal advice.
Where we are unable to assist, we will always try to refer you to the appropriate service.
No. We cannot force a service provider to take any action. However, we can support you to discuss your concerns at a meeting with the service, and assist you to negotiate a resolution where possible. If your issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, we can refer you to the relevant complaint and regulatory bodies.

Yes, our services are confidential. Our advocates will always seek your permission before discussing your situation or concerns with anyone else.

We will always try to ensure your confidentiality is maintained by being discreet when calling you on the phone or visiting you in person.

It is not our role to assess a person’s capacity. We follow a process that ensures people do not have their rights compromised by their lack, or perceived lack of ability to give clear direction.

We will look at whether the person is able to make a decision regarding the particular issue. For example, a person’s capacity to make financial decisions may be limited, but they may still be able to give clear direction about lifestyle decisions such as the types of activities they enjoy, or the meals they prefer.

Our Community Legal Service, ADA Law, provides specific advocacy support, legal advice and representation to adults whose decisionmaking capacity is impaired or in question, in relation to guardianship and administration matters.

To contact ADA Law, FREECALL 1800 232 529.

With your permission, family members, carers and friends can contact us on your behalf to raise and address concerns.

However, we will also need to discuss the issue with you. Your directions and wishes will guide the work that we do. Family members, carers and friends can be included in discussions and the process to support you.

We can also work with formal decision makers such as your Enduring Power of Attorney. However, again we will always ensure that your views and wishes direct anything we do.

ADA Australia aims to provide inclusive advocacy services to a range of diverse groups listed under the Aged Care Act 1997 including:
  • people from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities
  • people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds
  • people who live in rural or remote areas
  • people who are financially or socially disadvantaged
  • people who are veterans of the Australian Defence Force or an allied defence force
    including the spouse, widow or widower of a veteran
  • people who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless
  • people who are care leavers (which includes Forgotten Australians, Former Child Migrants and Stolen Generations)
  • people separated from their children by forced adoption or removal
  • people from lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/ transgender and intersex (LGBTI) communities.
To ensure that our services remain accessible and responsive we provide free access to interpreting services and employ a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse advocate, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander advocates and advocates who are members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) communities. We also provide rural and remote outreach services from our regionally based offices.
ADA Australia’s office hours are from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. To access advocacy support you can call our FREECALL number 1800 700 600 at any time between these hours. You can also contact us via our website by filling in an online form at If you would like to speak to an advocate from the identified groups above, please let us know when you call. For more information regarding how ADA Australia may be able to help you, please visit our website

Aged care advocacy FAQs

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