Our board of directors
ADA Australia’s Board of Directors provide governance and leadership in the achievement of the organisation’s strategic outcomes.

Liz Kearins
Chair – Elected to Board 2012
Cert. Journalism, Dip.Bus.Studies, FIML, MAICD, MPRIA, MAHRI
Liz Kearins is an experienced senior executive, board director and consultant, with expertise in strategy, culture change, engagement, and communication. Her diverse background spans the management consultancy, utilities, healthcare, local government, environment, tourism, and media sectors. Liz is the Chief Operating Officer at performance culture consultancy Actrua, where she leads project strategy, design and delivery to help organisations and leaders engage, inspire and empower people to be their best. In addition to her ADA Australia Board role, Liz serves as a Director of the Board for the Older Persons Advocacy Network, chairs OPAN’s Finance, Audit and Risk Committee, and serves on the Governance and Performance Committee. Liz is a Fellow of the Institute of Managers and Leaders, a certified Change Management Practitioner, and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Australian Human Resources Institute, the Communications and Public Relations Australia and the Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership.

Lucille Chalmers
Director – Elected to Board 2021

John Devereux
Director – Elected to Board 2021
BA/LL.B, D,Phil., Member Australian Institute of Company Directors
John Devereux is Professor of Law at the University of Queensland. He is a Barrister of the Supreme Court of Queensland and the High Court of Australia. A Rhodes Scholar, John has degrees in Arts and Law from the University of Queensland, and a Doctorate of Philosophy (in Law) from Magdalen College, Oxford University. John has spent the last 30 years working in different areas of law, with a special focus on health law. He has worked as a Law Reform Commissioner for Queensland, a member of the Social Security Appeals Tribunal, a member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and as the Assistant Commissioner (Legal) of the Health Quality and Complaints Commission. John currently serves on the Administrative Review Tribunal. He has taught medical law at Universities in Australia and abroad.

Preya Pillay
Director – Elected to Board 2023
Chartered Accountant, Graduate MAICD
Preya is a Chartered Accountant who brings more than 25 years’ experience in finance, treasury, investments, strategic procurement and property, having worked with major listed companies, the public sector and more recently the not-for-profit/for purpose sector in health and care settings. She has held senior finance roles in Anglicare Southern Queensland and Southern Cross Care Qld within the aged and disability sectors.
Preya holds extensive experience in business turnaround and growing financial sustainability with a focus on financial stewardship and insight driven decision making. She has implemented significant change initiatives in implementing large scale enterprise resource planning systems, business process improvements and increasing value in Strategic Procurement and infrastructure projects.
She is a passionate advocate for social justice and is driven to improve outcomes for marginalised, disadvantaged and isolated individuals and communities, irrespective of their background, race or gender. Preya is currently the Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary for Yourtown.

Steve Cunningham
Director – Elected to Board 2023
Masters ICT/Business Process Management, Member Australian Institute of Company Directors
With over 20 years’ experience across numerous industries including Defence, Financial Services, Health Care and Community Services, Steve is a recognised digital transformation, cybersecurity and risk management thought leader known for enabling the requisite strategic vision and key relationships across many boundaries to guide innovative and sound business direction at the forefront of the Executive agenda within a range of private, public and Not for Profit organisations.
Steve has been involved at all levels of senior management by building knowledge and capability particularly in the community services and NFP sector and has devoted his skills to cover not just the technology, but the broader business and governance requirements through which many purpose driven and service-based organisations rely upon.
As a long-term member of Australian Institute of Company Directors, and with lived experience across mental health, disability and aged care practicalities, Steve has constantly shared his dedication and experiences that have focused him on assisting our community in numerous engagements and volunteer undertakings.
Steve is currently Managing Director at Centrado.
Our Management

Geoff Rowe
Chief Executive Officer
B. Soc. Wk.
Geoff Rowe has been the CEO of ADA Australia since September 2014. Geoff’s career in the human services sector spans more than 40 years, including fifteen years in senior and executive positions in the Queensland Government, and more than 20 years in the not-for-profit sector. Prior to his current role, Geoff held senior roles with the Endeavour Foundation and Cerebral Palsy League of Queensland. Geoff was previously the community representative on the Queensland Physiotherapists Registration Board, Independent Chair of the Strategic Governance Group for the Non Schools Organisation Program (Education Queensland) and a Director on the Board of QCOSS and an Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) representative on the National Aged Care Alliance (NACA). Geoff is currently a member of the Notifications and Immediate Action Committees of the Medical Board of Australia and a Board Director at EAAA (Elder Abuse Action Australia). In November 2018 Geoff was awarded the prestigious Paul Tys Churchill Fellowship to study world’s best practice in preventing and responding to Elder Abuse in aged care and the community. In 2019 Geoff travelled to the UK, Canada, USA and New Zealand to complete his fellowship. He has a strong interest in social justice and inclusion.

Karen Williams
Principal Solicitor, ADA Law
BSW, M. HlthSvcMgt, JD.
Karen Williams is a Social Worker, Manager and a Lawyer, with more than 20 years’ experience in the health and mental health sector. Karen has over 10 years’ experience as a lawyer, with an interest in legal matters concerning people who have had their capacity questioned. This gives her experience in aged, mental health and disability law. In 2015, Karen was awarded a National Disability Award for advocacy, in recognition of her work in the sector.
Karen is the Principal Solicitor at ADA Australia’s community legal service, ADA Law, , which includes advocacy and representation before the Queensland Civil and Administration Tribunal. also includes our Elder Abuse advocates who responds to people with concerns about Elder Abuse in residential aged care in the greater Brisbane area.

Kathy Chandler
Manager, Business Support Services
DipMgt, DipHR, CertIVGov, CertIVSmBusMgt
Kathy has 30 years’ experience in financial management, human resource management and governance, including previous project management and executive officer roles within government.
Kathy is currently ADA Australia’s Business Support Services Manager, and Company Secretary for the Board of Directors. Kathy is also Board Secretary for Queensland Community Services Employers Association (QCSEA).

Rebecca Kok
Manager of Advocacy Services

Rebecca Daniloff
Manager of Advocacy Services
B Sp Path, Grad Cert Bus Admin, Cert IV TAE, MBA with Distinction
Rebecca has over 20 years experience working within the disability sector, initially working as a speech pathologist with adults and children and then moving into various management roles. She has been involved in numerous projects promoting communication and community participation for people of all abilities.
Rebecca currently holds one of the Manager, Advocacy Services roles and supports disability and aged care advocates across the state. She has recently completed her MBA at QUT.

Terri-Ann Dwyer
Manager, ADA Link
As a highly experienced and skilled social justice change maker and leader across the disability, aged care and mental health sectors Terri-Ann is passionate about building and maintaining high functioning and effective teams that positively impact our communities.
With more than three decades experience across the not for profit, profit for purpose and for profit worlds and with qualifications in leadership, disability and training and education, Terri-Ann is the Manager at ADA Link, ADA Australia’s care finder service that provides practical supports for seniors in need.
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