ADA Australia flyers and factsheets
About ADA Law (A5)
How to Act Appropriately as an Attorney under an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) in Queensland (VIDEO)
Duties and Responsibilities as an Attorney under an EPOA in Qld
Flowchart – Making an EPOA
Flowchart – Using an EPOA
Attorney Resources and Contacts Card – Have you agreed to act as an Attorney
Being A Brilliant Attorney – How to support the people you care for when acting as an Attorney
Making Decisions – Supporting clients and assisting Attorneys
Your Life Your Rights – Decision making with your Attorney
Advocacy and legal support for adult patients
Elder Abuse Awareness resources
Healthcare decision-making resources
ADA Law Workshops – Understanding Supported Decision Making
ADA Law Workshops – Elder Abuse Prevention & Responses
Supported Decision Making Guide
For Attorneys
In Queensland people have the option of creating a legal document called an Enduring Power of Attorney to nominate others to act on their behalf and make decisions for them if they are unable. These decisions may include personal, health or financial decisions, which may be simple or complex.
The role of Attorney can be confusing. It is recognized there has been a lack of education specifically developed to assist Attorneys to understand their legal duties and responsibilities.
To make it easier for Attorneys to act appropriately in their role as decision maker, ADA Australia with the support of the Queensland government have created resources.
The resources below can assist Attorneys to understand EPOA document, any terms and when and how to make decisions for another. It can also help support those who may be considering agreeing to the role of becoming someone’s Attorney, to understand more about the role and what will be required of them should the EPOA become active.
Guiding documents
Are you an Attorney under an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) in Qld?
EPOA video Script
For Support Agencies and Service Providers
- The terms of EPOA documents are being correctly applied
- Attorneys are acting within the limits of their role
- The General Principles are being applied to ensure the person’s rights are always protected
- Staff understand and follow the correct applications of the EPOA documents
- Staff are easily able to identify problems and make appropriate referrals
For More Information
- Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT): Ph. 1300 753 228
- Office of the Public Guardian: Ph. 1300 653 187
- Public Trustee of Queensland: Ph. 1300 360 044
- ADA Law: Ph. 1800 232 529
- Elder Abuse Prevention Unit Ph. 1300 651 192
- Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI): Ph. (07) 3844 4200
- Council on the Ageing (COTA) Queensland: Ph. (07) 3316 2999
- Seniors Legal and Support Service (SLASS): Brisbane at Caxton Legal: Ph. (07) 3214 6333. For regional phone numbers see:
Get support
This page will cover the following topics
- Order resources
- Self-advocacy Tools for older people
- Request an education session
- Read advocacy stories