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The Advocate May-Jun 2024 Edition

Aged care reform is a long road, but time is of

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The Advocate – March/April 2024 Edition

Funding aged care into the futureThere has been much discussion about

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Outback Queensland highway with image of older woman in top right hand corner

The Advocate – January/February 2024 edition

Since my last update, the Exposure Draft of the new Aged

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The Advocate - November/December

The Advocate – November/December 2023 edition

Season’s GreetingsAt the end of the year I like to reflect,

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The Advocate - September/October 2023 edition

The Advocate – September/October 2023 edition

Happily, seniors are centre stage. Not only is it Queensland Seniors

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The Advocate - June/July 2023 Edition

The Advocate – June/July 2023 Edition

New doors, but same at heart.I am happy to announce that

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