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Health decision making training

Healthcare decision making law in Queensland – who decides?

About education sessions

ADA Australia provides free education and information sessions on advocacy services. Our education materials are available to staff of residential aged care facilities, community aged care services and community groups.

ADA Australia’s education sessions aim to inform staff and clients on their rights and responsibilities within the aged care sector. In particular, the sessions increase understanding of ‘advocacy’, provide participants with an overview of how advocacy can assist and examples of advocacy in action. Our free advocacy education sessions are currently available across Queensland.

About health care decision making training

The health care decision making workshop aims to educate participants on health care supported and substitute decision making, particularly when caring for clients who may have limited decision making capacity, or when Enduring Powers of Attorney are in place.

These short workshops (2 hours) offer important insight into the legal and ethical aspects of substituted decision making for health care matters. It offers essential background information for those in roles that undertake health decision making processes on behalf of others.

Topics include:
  • Supported health care decision making
  • The four substituted decision making pathways: Advance Health Directives, Attorneys under Enduring Power of Attorney documents, Guardians and Statutory Health Attorneys.
  • Informed consent and the right to refuse care
  • Principles for decision makers and understanding exploitation in substitute decision making.
Available in:




In-House Understanding Decision Making Training

Supported Decision Making Training Electronic

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Healthcare Decision Making

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