Aged care advocacy education sessions

Educating older people and the sector about advocacy and client rights

About education sessions

ADA Australia provides free education and information sessions on advocacy services. Our education materials are available to staff of residential aged care facilities, community aged care services and community groups.

ADA Australia’s education sessions aim to inform staff and clients on their rights and responsibilities within the aged care sector. In particular, the sessions increase understanding of ‘advocacy’, provide participants with an overview of how advocacy can assist and examples of advocacy in action. Our free advocacy education sessions are currently available across Queensland.

Advocacy Education

Advocacy education for clients

This information session caters to clients of residential aged care facilities, community aged care services and their carers, or seniors community groups.
It covers the following topics:
  • What is advocacy?
  • Your rights and responsibilities when receiving an aged care service
  • Our advocacy service and how to access support
  • Recognising elder abuse and safeguards against abuse
  • Your rights in decision making
  • Case studies
Available in:



Advocacy education for providers and staff

This information session caters to staff of residential aged care facilities and community aged care services
It covers the following topics:
  • What is advocacy?
  • The role of advocacy in the context of the aged care system
  • Our advocacy service
  • Clients’ rights and responsibilities when receiving aged care services
  • Why advocacy is important to your servicey
  • Case studies
Available in:



OPAN resources

OPAN has created video resources called Talk to Us First to support the Aged Care Workforce and Service Providers.
Talk to Us First has been designed to support the aged care workforce to ensure the new Quality Standards surrounding advocacy are met, with a particular emphasis on understanding the advocacy role and how best to provide support for older people and their families. This training will increase understanding of the advocate’s role in supporting residents and consumers to raise and rectify their concerns early, as well as increasing awareness of how to access advocacy services.


Read more about ADA Australia’s advocacy education sessions.

Aged care advocacy educations factsheet

Click here to download pdf now

Aged care advocacy FAQs

Click here to download pdf now

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