Disability resources

Helpful links and information

If you would like more information on how to make a complaint, or would like disability support, the below details may also be of assistance.

If after reviewing the below resources you are still unsure which forms you need, feel free to call us for further assistance.

ADA Australia flyers and factsheets

Disability advocacy flyer (A5)

Click here to download pdf now

Disability advocacy FAQ factsheet (A4)

Click here to download pdf now

ADA Australia disability advocacy services in Queensland (A4)

Click here to download pdf now

Self advocacy tools and resources for solving everyday issues

Click here to download pdf now

Trusted resources


Carer resources

Complaint resources

Decision making, guardianship and administration resources

Forguardianship and administration resources, including Enduring Power of Attorney and Advance Health Directive information, please go to ADA Law, decision making & Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA)

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