About disability advocacy
We provide information, referrals or individual advocacy support to people with disability who are experiencing issues
- support services
- disability discrimination
- unfair treatment
How we can help
- problems with providers, supports or government agencies
- unfair treatment or disability discrimination
- difficulties accessing support services
- NDIS access, planning, service delivery, and reviews
Where we work
ADA Australia is your local disability advocacy service for people living in:
We cannot assist with:
- NDIS appeals
- Advocacy support or assistance outside of the areas where we work
- Housing or rental issues
- Providing recommendations on service providers
- Financial or legal advice
Who to contact
NDIS Appeals:
- QAI (Queensland Advocacy Incorporated) Phone: 1300 130 582 www.qai.org.au
- PWD (People with Disability Australia)Phone: 1800 422 015 www.pwd.org.au
- Legal Aid Queensland Phone: Phone: 1300 651 188 www.legalaid.qld.gov.au
Advocacy support in other locations:
- Disability Advocacy Pathways –
https://disabilitypathways.org.au/ - AskIzzy –
https://askizzy.org.au/disability-advocacy-finder - Housing or rental issues – please refer to
QSTARS 1300 744 263 - Retirement Village issues – please refer to QRVPAS (Caxton Legal Centre) on
(07) 3214 6333 or the Department of Housing and Public Works
(07) 3008 3450
Housing or rental issues:
- Housing or rental issues – please refer to QSTARS 1300 744 263
Retirement Village issues:
Who is eligible
People with a permanent, or likely to be permanent, disability, living in the areas listed under where we work, and where there is substantially reduced capacity for communication, learning, or mobility and the need for ongoing support services, may be eligible for advocacy support.
The permanent disability may be classified as:
- physical
- sensory
- developmental delay
- Acquired Brain Injury
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- cognitive, neurological or learning
- psychiatric or mental health illness or another disability.
We are funded to support people with disabilities of any age.
How we work
We seek your permission before acting and follow strict confidentiality processes
We take privacy seriously and can only communicate with our clients directly and the people they authorise us to talk to.
Client Directed
We don’t make decisions for you. We can help you understand your options and follow your direction.
Our services are free of charge. We are funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments to deliver disability advocacy support.
We work with each individual, to help give them a voice
Short Term & Issue Specifc
We work with you to solve a specific problem.
Frequently asked questions
• Gold Coast
• Beenleigh
• Logan
• Redlands
• Central Queensland.
Download FAQ Fact sheet disability advocacy
Download Disability Advocacy Flyer
Visit My Rights QLD
Understand and exercise your rights in Queensland.
ADA Australia is a member of the Queensland Independent Disability Advocacy Network.

Get support
This page will cover the following topics
- Ask for help for myself
- Ask for help for someone
- Order resources
- Read advocacy stories