Disability advocacy

Supporting you to be heard

About disability advocacy

We provide information, referrals or individual advocacy support to people with disability who are experiencing issues

  • support services
  • disability discrimination
  • unfair treatment

How we can help

We help eligible clients address issues such as:
  • problems with providers, supports or government agencies
  • unfair treatment or disability discrimination
  • difficulties accessing support services
  • NDIS access, planning, service delivery, and reviews

Where we work

ADA Australia is your local disability advocacy service for people living in:

We cannot assist with:

  • NDIS appeals
  • Advocacy support or assistance outside of the areas where we work
  • Housing or rental issues
  • Providing recommendations on service providers
  • Financial or legal advice

Who to contact

NDIS Appeals:

Advocacy support in other locations:

Housing or rental issues:

Retirement Village issues:

Who is eligible

People with a permanent, or likely to be permanent, disability, living in the areas listed under where we work, and where there is substantially reduced capacity for communication, learning, or mobility and the need for ongoing support services, may be eligible for advocacy support.

The permanent disability may be classified as:

  • physical
  • sensory
  • developmental delay
  • Acquired Brain Injury
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • cognitive, neurological or learning
  • psychiatric or mental health illness or another disability.


We are funded to support people with disabilities of any age. 

How we work


Free from conflict of interest, not affiliated with direct care providers


We seek your permission before acting and follow strict confidentiality processes


We take privacy seriously and can only communicate with our clients directly and the people they authorise us to talk to.

Client Directed

We don’t make decisions for you. We can help you understand your options and follow your direction.


Our services are free of charge. We are funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments to deliver disability advocacy support.


We work with each individual, to help give them a voice

Short Term & Issue Specifc

We work with you to solve a specific problem.

Frequently asked questions

Advocacy is the process of supporting an individual to speak up for their rights and needs. An ADA Australia advocate is someone who is by your side, working with you, to give you a voice and help you to resolve issues.
• You are a person living with disability, or
• You are the carer or representative of the person above, and
• You live in one of the following areas:
    • Gold Coast
    • Beenleigh
    • Logan
    • Redlands
    • Central Queensland.
• ADA Australia is able to provide advocacy support to people with disability who are under the age of 18 in some locations and will provide information and referrrals to other services where we are unable to assist.
We can provide you with free and independent information and support with the following:
• NDIS applications, planning and Plan review
• Accessing other disability support services
• Working through issues with your service providers
• Disability Pension applications
• General information and referrals to relevant services
• Unfair treatment and disability discrimination.
Please note we cannot recommend which services or providers you should choose or provide financial or legal advice. ADA Australia is not funded to provide support for NDIS Appeals at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).
When you are assigned a disability advocate they will make contact with you to talk through the issue and get a full understanding of the problem. They may ask a range of questions and ask you for copies of relevant paperwork.
They will be by your side as you step through the process to resolve an issue. This may include:
• providing you with information and options
• support to express your views and wishes
• support with application paperwork
• support at meetings and with phone calls
• building your confidence to speak up for your rights and needs.
Our advocates work for you – we don’t talk to anyone or take any action unless you ask us to.
While we cannot guarantee the outcome you hope for, such as access to the NDIS or other services, or that your provider or service will take a specific action to resolve an issue, we will support you to make applications or raise your concerns and work with you to try and address the issue. If your issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, we can also refer you to the relevant complaint bodies.
Yes, our services are confidential. Our advocates will always seek your permission before discussing your situation or concerns with anyone else.
It is not our role to assess a person’s capacity. All people regardless of capacity have the right to have a say about the things which impact their life. We follow a process that ensures people do not have this right compromised.
We will look at whether the person is able to make a decision regarding the particular issue. For example, a person’s capacity to make financial decisions may be limited, but they may still be able to give clear direction about other decisions such as the types of activities they enjoy, or who they would like to provide their support.
Our Community Legal Service, ADA Law, provides specific advocacy support, legal advice and representation to adults whose decision-making capacity is impaired or in question, in relation to guardianship and administration matters.
To contact ADA Law, FREECALL 1800 232 529
With your permission, family members, carers and friends can contact us on your behalf to raise and address concerns.
However, we will also need to discuss the issue with you. Your directions and wishes will guide the work that we do. Family members, carers and friends can be included in discussions and the process to support you.
We can also work with formal decision makers such as your Enduring Power of Attorney. However, again we will always ensure that your views and wishes direct anything we do.
ADA Australia embraces diversity and provides inclusive disability advocacy services to people from diverse backgrounds including:
• people from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities
• people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds
• people who live in rural or remote areas
• people who are financially or socially disadvantaged
• people who are veterans of the Australian Defence Force or an allied defence force including the spouse, widow or widower of a veteran
• people who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless
• people from lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/ transgender and intersex (LGBTQI+) communities.
To ensure that our services remain accessible and responsive we provide free access to interpreting services and employ advocates from diverse backgrounds.
Side by Side First Peoples Advocacy Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people with disability and their supporters can access Side by Side First Peoples Advocacy service. Side by Side is fully stafffed by Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander advocates, and can provide disability advocacy support to anyone who resides in Queensland.
To contact Side by Side First Peoples Advocacy you can call their FREE CALL number 1800 718 969 at any time between 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. You can also contact them by filling in an online form at www.atsidnq.com.au or email info@atsidnq.com.au.
To access advocacy support you can call our FREE CALL number 1800 818 338 at any time between 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
You can also contact us via our website by filling in an online form at www.adaaustralia.com.au or email info@adaaustralia.com.au.

Download FAQ Fact sheet disability advocacy

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Download Disability Advocacy Flyer

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ADA Australia is a member of the Queensland Independent Disability Advocacy Network.

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